Have Pinterest? Enjoy your ecstatic journey into the cyber world! You would find it interesting to know that as Pinterest took its baby steps in March 2010 after first being developed in December 2009, co-founder Silbermann admitted how he personally wrote to the first 5,000 users of the site. Not only this, he offered his personal phone number and even went on to the extent of meeting people in lieu of promoting Pinterest. Can you sense from the increasing amount of blog traffic from Pinterest, on what this buzz is all about? Or, better still, have you ever pondered over on what every clever head is doing to get bags of traffic from Pinterest?
You can pin your self-created, original content: If you have graduated in learning how to craft invaluable visual content of your own, you can have the benefit of possessing a virtual army of people just waiting to circulate your pins to maximize your exposure and get you going! Visual data could be anything from videos, to informative graphics, a textual image over a colorful background, also works. If you have a virtual gadget to show, like a cool new tool, or even a cool template to show, you might promote it in a pin, and link it to where your cyber buddies can sign-up or go to fetch it.
You might concentrate on topics in trend: This is not as common as the other techniques but it is wiser to incorporate hot buzz topics into board topics or as keywords within captions. Pins that have the latest topics happen to see a 94 per cent rise in the click-through rate. ‘Birthday cakes’ or ‘Valentine’s Day Gifting Ideas’ might be such topics of interest. You can also create blog posts on ‘What’s Hot’ and ‘What’s Not’ or arouse general feeling of compassion in the hearts of people. If the idea is genuine it ought to work.
Use high quality Images on your website or blog: As pinterest is image based social network you should use better images on your site or blog posts so that while sharing it will take image from there. If you image would be interesting and of good quality then you may get more traffic
You can pin more tutorials n teasers: Tutorial pins have a 42 per cent higher click- through rate than an average pin. People love to learn new fundas. They also love to gather and share informative data. You just need to think as to what kind of information your audience would find to be appealing and then jump the gun to create pins of the same! People find Teaser pins to be more intriguing, they have a very high click through ratio. A colorful background or some text on the top of an image creates a teaser pin, stating what can be learnt on the other side.
Inclusion of “call to action” in your captions: Uncovering all the powerful marketing strategies that work like your favorable stars shaping your destiny, “Call to action” feature enhances your chances of getting engaged through repins, comments and likes of a pin by nearly 80 per cent. Set out to add ‘Click here’, ‘Comment below’ or ‘Repin This’ in each caption. Let your followers know this, have their chunk of cake and eat it too! You get to have a referral traffic magic working like twinkling stars for you!
You can become a contest host at Pinterest: As previously adopted by site on travelling galore: Jetsetter, a contest was being held on Pinterest. This generated a 150 per cent increase in the traffic! You too can hold the interest of surfers and flag a green signal to propagate similar kind of action. While you are hosting a contest, the contestants are supposed to either pin content from your site, or rebound back by repining pins that you already have on Pinterest that take you back to your site. The contestant whose pin has the most re-pins or a truck load of followers ought to win ultimately!
Pinterest is just not another joinee to the already running bandwagon of social media featuring names such as Orkut, Facebook, and Twitter, but it is one great way of achieving your gigs of cyber fame!
Awesome content Atish….I love Pinterest but having so many blogs doesn’t give me time to manually enjoy the site. Maybe I will start using it now 🙂

Olawale Daniel recently posted…Laptop PCs vs. tablets
Sure. try it out. Its amazing.
Nice post Atish! Yes, am using Pinterest to share my blog posts n am getting genuine traffic from it. Thanks for sharing your ideas related to it, will follow these in future to increase the visitors. Keep writing!

Also I love the new design of stoogles, it is remarkable! Wishing it to stay in peak with good PR!
Nirmala recently posted…Earn money online free through real ways
Excellent post and very informative about e Pinterest. I am also using this site for brands and product promotion it’s too good you can use only one button and share your brands with picture .
Pinterest is the best image based site. I am also using +bo.lt. It is not so much useful as pinterest.
Hi Atish,
I love Pinterest, so thanks very much for these ideas about how we can use it more effectively. I’d like to make more use of it but it’s finding the time that’s the problem!

Sue Neal recently posted…Writing Tips: Is this habit stifling your creativity?
You are right Sue. Time is the biggest problem but I am sure you can do it. I have one more post for you on the same topic. Please do read if you can get something more there:- https://www.techtricksworld.com/2012/04/pinterest-a-great-source-of-traffic-to-your-blog.html
great to know about the contest on Pinterest. I was just only pining Images … but don’t know exact use of Pinterest. Thanks for this nice article Atish !!!

Ravi Verma recently posted…Best Tips To Quickly Index Your Images on Google
Hope you do well on pinterest Ravi.
Yep tips are good but something is missing..that we need to introduce some events also. Also if you have followers on other network than ask them to follow you.
Interesting post… So Pinterest is going to play a big role in social network marketing,
Thanks for sharing
Exclusive post and very informative about e Pinterest. I am also using this site for brands and product promotion it’s too good you can use only one button and share your brands with picture .
thank for the post.I am not know about the pinterest main function but from this post i know althought a few things esspecially for social marketing and increasing traffic for our website.
I am also using this site for brands and product promotion it’s too good you can use only one button and share your brands with pictures and create a board ..
Thanks for sharing
There is a lot of buzz regarding Pinterest in blogosphere! Well, I have not yet worked on Pinterest, but gonna try this out! Thanks for the tips on gaining traffic from Pinterest. They are really helpful.

Rajesh Chaukwale recently posted…How to turn laptop into a Wifi Hotspot: Wireless Hotspot for laptop
All the best Rajesh for pinterest.
Pinterest is one of the best medium to market graphical website. The engagement is very high, using hashtags is important and joining some large boards and posting things there is one the best way to gain SEO benefit along with traffic. Nice article, thanks for sharing.

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