
Welcome To Stoogles

It was a dark Sunday night & at 11.26 pm, my cell phone buzzed. I had received a SMS with the text “All set” ! And this message was from Mr. Atish Ranjan. Now what you are thinking is right!   Yesterday night, i.e. on 23th September, 2012; we launched a new site – Stoogles. So here, I welcome you all to Stoogles!

After the Giant TTW & later with 2012Onwards, we have got a new miniscule in our family -> Stoogles. TTW was launched on 4th June, 2010. After getting very good response from TTW, we launched 2012Onwards on 1st Jan. & after getting an awesomest response from the 1st 2 blogs, me(Zainil) & Atish decided to launch a new blog, thus here we have come with the new blog of ours!

Why Stoogles?

Few weeks back, I had a word with Atish & we decided to start 1 more blog. At 1st we made the plan on how we will manage the 3 blog; then we decided about the content of the new blog & finally came the decision of the domain name!   Finding a nice domain name has always been a trouble; the names that you like are either already taken away or they are the premium domain names. But this time, luckily, we had no problem in finding an unbooked domain name of our choice!

Atish had giving me the responsibility of finding a domain name for the new blog. I was very well aware that, all the junky & jazzy names related to the tech world would be already booked. Thus I decided to choose a domain name, which will be out of the box; & I found one!

When me & Atish, we decided to start the 3rd blog, I got a thought that; the number of members in our efamily will rise. We were soon going to adopt a newbie. & there I got the name. The word Pillu (pronounced as Pill – Loo) in an Indian language is used to address a baby. & hence I decided of presenting this name to Atish. I was glad that, at the 1st instance, even Atish liked the name & hence we booked it!

We started The Pillu on 11th September, but after starting with the work on The Pillu, due to some unavoidable & confidential reasons, we had to shut down the domain The Pillu & register a new domain. Hence here came an urgent need for a new domain name search. Me & Atish started Googling for new names. After sometime we asked few of our friends to suggest some nice name. Many of them came up with many names, but out of all, the name suggested by Madhavi Priya, just caught our eyes. She was the 1 who suggested us the name Stoogles. Stoogle is made of the words ‘stalk’ & ‘Google’. The verb Stoogle means the act of stalking an individual by performing a Google search using their name! 🙂

Content Of Stoogles.

Stoogles is going to be a tech blog. The blog will be updated with the news related to social media, gadgets, software’s etc… & most important content of the blog, the SEO guru – Mr. Atish Ranjan is going to post sequential tutorials of SEO. He will be starting with the history of SEO & then he will take you all the way to expertize SEO. I am sure that you will enjoy the posts of Atish on Stoogles!

To end with, the team at Stoogles would like to thank all its fellow blogger mates for their love & affection which has motivated the team to perform better at every stage. I would specially like to thank Mr. Durgesh Chaudhary, due to whose technical support; the journey from TTW to Stoogles has come true! 🙂

About the author

Zainil Dedhia

Zainil Dedhia is commerce graduate & is pursuing his further studies in commerce. He loves to write about free software's & social media.


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