Welcome back! A very warm welcome to the splendid readers of Stoogles! 🙂 Yes, I can hear those murmurs of yours. I guess, everyone wants to ask something, right? Of course, let me spill the beans. I know that all of you want to ask one common question “What happened to Stoogles? Why did the site go down?” Gotcha right!
Let me tell you what happened. Day before yesterday, that is, 2nd Feb, 2014, around 12.30 am my phone rang tring tring, I received a call from a colleague of mine. The moment I picked his call, he said “Atish, your blogs are showing some database errors!” My response in my heart, as every one of you can imagine, was “OMG, if this is a joke, I didn’t like it.”
I ran for my laptop and plugged in the charger. I took no time in opening my blogs and what I saw was nothing but an entirely black screen with the words “Database Error” written over it. Till this point, I came to know that it was something big and serious. I called Zainil, my friend cum business partner, right away. Like me, he was also dazed to see the state of our website. We both realized that someone has messed around badly and has created a lot of trouble for us. We 1st realized the defacement of TTW, which is the prime blog of our empire and then we came to the knowledge of 2012Onwards & Stoogles.
As we could sense, we knew that our entire day was going to be eaten up completely by then. We pulled ourselves together and started working on the recovery of the entire database of Stoogles. After toiling for several hours, I’m really happy to mention at this point that our efforts have already won the battle. A considerable amount of data has been recovered by both me and Zainil.
I know that we still have to put efforts in order to bring Stoogles back to its original and fantastic state. Nonetheless, I want to pay my deep reverence to our friends, colleagues, and readers who have supported us through all thick and thin. Your support imbues us to keep working hard every single day.
We hope to recover Stoogles in its entirety as soon as possible. I really can’t want for the day when I’ll get to start posting great blogs on Stoogles once again. And the day will surely come very soon, I know. Because, we live to blog!
Note – Incase if you have anything to tell us, then please contact us your views.
Yeah, I already checked and happy to see that Soogles is back Atish. I am wondering with the technology developments are being used in a wrong way.
My wish is that you should find the deface attackers and they should be rewarded. Yes, I know very well that you guys have learned something new because of this issue and will be more alert in taking care of your blogs.
Nice to read your real experiences, keep sharing as it would help the newbies to protect their blog from hackers.

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Hello Atish,
It’s Good New that you are back with some great new i really get confused that what will happned with Stoogles, know i really get know that what is the problem.Now all is well so keep it on.
Was the site down? OMG! Glad to know that you have fixed and made the site live asap. Stay safe.