Those who have ever thought they might do a more satisfactory job than their boss may be a perfect candidate being an entrepreneur. There are pros and cons to everything in life; entrepreneurship isn’t any exception. As the matter of truth, taking this step involves lots of risk taking. However, it can repay very well as well as nicely, with rewards like the opportunity to make your personal decisions and be your personal boss. The advantages of entrepreneurship far outweigh the negatives, but before you decide to give your notice to your particular boss, make certain you’re making the best decision.
Here tend to be some pros – and a few cons – to entrepreneurship:
You can get it done part-time:. No one ever said you need to quit your day job being an entrepreneur. Mainly those who are now running their own businesses full time started working nights and weekends on the dream business. Doing what you like in your free time can make your day work more tolerable. And when your business is making enough cash, you can contentedly give your two-week notice.
You are the boss and you make all the decisions: You are responsible for every bit from the business. You do not have to answer to anybody; you don’t need to justify a project since the buck stops along with you.

You decide your own schedule: When you’ve your own company, you can set your personal hours. No longer is it necessary to beg your employer to leave early because your son or daughter’s soccer game begins at 3 p.m. No longer is it necessary to feel guilty when you are too sick to work. No longer is it necessary to use up vacation time as well as your own sick time for you to stay home having a sick child. If you wish to work out in the centre of the afternoon, you can do it.
The pride of being an owner: Whether you’ve got a small Internet-based business or can sell artwork from a house studio, having your personal business gives a sense of satisfaction that money can’t buy. Knowing that every success is due to your hard work can be hugely motivating.
Income Potential: Generally, people do not desire to be “short-changed”; they desire to be paid for the quantity of work they do entirely.
You would be the boss: Yes, it is also a negative. If things don’t work, if you create a bad decision, in case your business fails, you are able to only blame yourself.
You’re taking the risk: It can end up being scary to strike out by you. Sure, it’s additionally exciting, but many people cannot take the strain of being solely accountable for a business’s achievement or failure.
You may wind up working several hours longer: Most bloggers or small business people for late nights, probably more than 40 hours ever week. And the more lucrative you become, the more hours you likely will work. Its quite natural when you love your work then you work for long hours. It can affect your health.
Lots of people who become entrepreneurs say they’re happier than they’ve have you been. The trick would be to find something you like to do. Don’t do anything only to make money, because you’ll just turn into miserable as you had been before you began your journey.
Entrepreneurship is far far better than a job. We can work independently and be our own boss. I have already set my mind to be an entrepreneur. Let’s see how it goes :).
I agree. Job is blood sucker! Entrepreneurship pays you a lot for your work.
Great post and i am totally agree with your post Entrepreneurship is far far better than a job
Online entrepreneurship is the best. It is much much better than a job. Job is just blood sucker as you said Atish. very correct.
Am saying that the day job is best. Is the entrepreneur job is blood filler??? No, It would affect the health too. I hope that the day job is better than the entrepreneurship. Anyway, it is a good post and thanks for sharing.
If it comes to work then its truth that without hardwork you cannot earn anything. If it comes to Entrepreneurship I can say its much better than a day job and the reason is that “Satisfaction” you get while working for own.
If there is more satisfaction in work then there is no problem saying that entrepreneurship is better.
Hi Artish,
Those are a very amazing review of entrepreneurship. But even though it has some cons part of it, i still prefer it to been an employee.
I so much love freedom, who doesn’t?
Thanks for sharing.
May be but I love entrepreneurship.
Great Article Atish. I guess finally it boils down to personal view as people always want to be in their comfort zone, but perhaps money is a motivating factor too. I personally will prefer to be a entrepreneur (perhaps one day I might be), but at present I enjoy being an employee and appreciate the freedom that I have.
Both are good. Everyone has his own perspective but according to me Entrepreneurship is much better than a day job.
Hi Atish,
Really Its amazing article about the Online Entrepreneurship and i am totally agree with you. Online Entrepreneurship is much much better as comapared to the job. we can work as owner of the comapny. well nice and thanks for sharing winth us.