
The World of Free Smartphones Dictionaries

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In today’s date, Android devices are in vogue. A good deal of individuals are seen sporting some or the other Android powered device. As you all must be very well aware Android devices happen to come complete with the Google Play Store that allows you to get your hands on a number of applications as well as games some of, which are paid apps and games, while the others are available totally free of cost. In this particular arena, you are also likely to come across a number of dictionaries. Let us now quickly throw some light on three best dictionaries that are not just compatible with the Android operating system, but at the same time can be got by without even having to shed out a single penny.

[Recommended Reading: Free Online & Foreign Language Dictionaries]

5 free dictionaries compatible with Android OS:

Free Dictionary Org: One of the best dictionary apps is none other than the free dictionary org. The best part about this particular dictionary app is that it is known to offer you complete definitions, synonyms, spellings as well as pronounciations of the word that you are looking out for. Apart from this, the free dictionary org is known to come complete with some other extraordinary features that include Wikipedia integration, search history as well as Auto suggestion. You can download this dictionary from

WordWeb English Dictionary: WordWeb English Dictionary, which was earlier a hit with Windows has now come to become a part of Android. One outstanding feature attached with this dictionary is that it is known to enjoy a massive database of of words, phrases as well as a number of derived forms. Apart from this, some other exceptional features associated with this particular dictionary include spell correct, alphabetical listing, bookmark support and so on and so forth. You can dowload this dictionary at Wordweb.

Offline Dictionaries: Yet another dictionary app associated with Android is none other than Offline dictionaries. Offline dictionaries basically comes acroas as an empty dictionary to, which you can add any English or Multi-lingual dictionaries at large. This app also gives you the liberty to switch between installed dictionaries. All said and done, some extraordinary characteristics associated with Offline Dictionaries include advance search as well as text to speech. Get yourself the Offline Dictionaries app only from Google Play.

Now that we have already spoken about three free dictionaries to be used with Android, let us not leave BB, Nokia and Windows 8 far behind in the race. Let us quickly glance threw dictionaries that can be used with these smartphones as well.

Free Dictionary for BB – If you are looking out for a free dictionary for BB, then in that case make it a point to settle down for This particular BB app is known to come complete with features such as spelling and audio pronunciation  alphabetical indexing and spelled words among others. You can get your hands on a number of synonyms and definitions with the help of this app. Download this app at blackberry appworld.

Free Dictionary for Nokia – English Dictionary: The English dictionary is capable of helping you comprehend the meaning of a large number of diverse words. The best part about this fully offline dictionary is that it is absolutely easy to use. If you desire to download this particular dictionary, then in that case you can simply visit Ovi Store .

Free Dictionary for Windows 8 – Ultimate Dictionary: You can now get your hands on round about thirty dictionaries by simply getting your hands onto the Ultimate Dictionary. The best part about this dictionary is that it ensures fast searching. However, the icing on the cake still remains the special scan mode that allows you to translate the words under the mouse. You can simply download this ultimate dictionary at

  • Furthur reading: [Free Offline Dictionaries]

About the author

Atish Ranjan

Atish Ranjan is a web enthusiast and blogger who loves blogging. He enjoys the challenges of creativity by providing information from the field of technology, SEO, social media and blogging.


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