Hello Guys, I am here to present the second article for category SEO of Stoogles.com. In the last post I have mentioned How SEO started in the past and how it is evolved with the time. I have also listed the things we do in SEO. Now I will be mentioning the short description SEO strategies in this post. Later I will make separate posts for each and everyone with full facts and information about them.
As you have already read in the last post that there are two steps of SEO :-
- On page SEO which is also called On Site SEO:– The name is telling everything, the things we do on the site to make it search friendly is called On page SEO.
- Off page which is also called Off Site SEO:- This includes safe link building and promotion things which we do for a site on other sharing sites(link sharing, video sharing, photo sharing etc).
I have already mentioned all these in the last post but the main goal of writing this post is to create an index for upcoming SEO articles. All the things I will be mentioning in this post will be later described separately. This post is just to let our readers know about the posts which will be written one by one in the SEO category of Stoogles.com.
Okay so lets start with the process:-
At first lets have a look on On-Page factors:-
1. Site Analysis: – Whenever you get contract for doing SEO for a website then the very first work you should do is to analyse the website about the current SEO status and understanding the nature of business. Means what are the things already there, what are the things which should be added, what are the things which need to be corrected.
2. Competitor Analysis:- After Doing the site analysis there comes the phase of competitor analysis. In this you need find the competitor site or most of the times client let you know about their competitor. Now its needed to complete analysis of the competitor site about what they are doing, where they are promoting and what special strategies they are using.
3. Keyword Research:- After site analysis and competitor analysis there comes the keyword research part. In this you need research keywords which will be scattered on throughout the site and also will be used while promoting the site.
4. Url Optimization: Url structure of any site must be human readable. It must not be parameter driven because you cannot get SEO benefits. Optimized url may include keywords in that for SEO benefits.
5. Writing Title and Meta Description:- When you finish researching keyword then you have to write the Title, meta description and meta keywords for all the pages of the website.
6. Content Optimization:- The next phase is content optimization in which you will be checking the current content if it is unique. If yes then OK but if not then create unique content for the site. While doing this Interlinking must be done throughout the site. Use of H1, H2 tags in it.
7. Image Optimization:- Images are very important part of any website but search engines cannot index images so you have to add alt text for images so that SEs can crawl that text and so that images should be searchable with it.
8. Robots.txt:- Now you must create a robots.txt file and upload it into the root directory of site. From here you can allow and disallow any pages of the site
9. All about Sitemaps: sitemap is very important part of a site as you can show all of the links on one page which leads to better crawling experience for search engines. After creating it submit it into the webmaster tools of SEs.
Moreover, if you want a detailed guide on on page SEO , you can check out my Guest post on Digitalgyd that explains about on page SEO techniques in detail.
Now lets have a look on Off-Page SEO factors:-
1. Directory Submissions:- This is one of the oldest technique used for better ranking in SERPs. It is not that much powerful but still it is being done by SEOs. This is like submitting your site in a directory of websites
2. Article Submissions: This is one of the most used and powerful techniques used in the past for better ranking as well as generating traffic but after the Panda update it lost its value a bit. Still it is being used.
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3. RSS Submission:- RSS feed is the best thing in my opinion because you submit your site’s url or Feed on the site once and after it whenever you post new articles then it automatically updated there on the RSS sites. It helps in building backlink as well as traffic.
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4. Press Release:- Press release is the best option when you launch any product or any announcement you had then you can write a Press release and submit on the PR Submission sites to notify users about your announcements.
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5. Micro blogging and social networking:- Updating status on micro blogging and social networking sites are great way to reach out to millions of people. Twitter (micro blogging site) and Facebook(social networking site) are the best examples.
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6. Blog Commenting:- Blog commenting is most used link building as well as traffic generation technique of present era SEO. It also helps you in connecting with bloggers and internet marketers.
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7. Guest Blogging:- Guest Blogging is somehow replacing the traditional article marketing. In it you give a post to host blogger and in exchange he/she gives 1-2 dofollow backlinks to your site. It’s the best SEO technique now days and widely used all over the web.
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8. Forum Postings: Forum postings are just like discussions. In forums you just sign p and start giving answers of questions and also ask questions. In it you can include your site in the signature to get good amount traffic from there.
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9. Social Bookmarking:- Social bookmarking is just like you bookmark a site in your local browser. On social bookmarking site you bookmark you site’s links where it is saved and shown to the audience of that site. It gives you good traffic.
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10. Classified Postings: classified postings are used only when you are selling either products or services.
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11. Link Exchange Program: However link exchange is not that much effective now but when similar niche sites exchange link in a natural way then it is beneficial. As the name suggests link can be exchange between 2-3 sites by using 1 way, 2way or 3 way link exchange method.
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12. Video Marketing: In it you have to create videos for your website promotion and post it on video sharing sites like youtube, metacafe etc.
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I know this post might be boring for you as there is nothing new in this But as I mentioned in the start that It will work as the index of SEO related Post. These all topics will be written one by one in details
NOTE: The “Read More…” Text will be clickable as I will write about all the topics in a separate post. I mean when I write about them then I will link the “Read More…” button with that post links.
Cool Atish, all these steps look so simple yet takes a lot of time and effort by every blogger. I will be waiting for you to write all those wonderful articles and link them back here.
Yes, I will be writing about all of them gradually.
nice work Atish, these steps helps to learn for a newbie bloggers. you can add one of other way to off page promotion called profile submission. it is help to crete a backlink where you submit your complete and genuine profile.
Yes, thanks Sumit for suggestion. Profile submission is another way to create nice backlinks. thank you so much for stopping by here.
Hi. The captioned baby picture in this post was taken from my personal blog (at blog.paulnshapiro.com/ten-seo-tweaks/). Please feel free to use it as long as you link to me as the source.
Sure. I will add it. SOrry for inconvenience
[…] your failure to know these things will result into low income and reduced traffic on your blog. Search engine optimization is the factor that will help your blog to rank above its competitors on search engine pages which […]
[…] team, Atish and Zainil, who have started a new site called Stoogles where you can find the entire SEO world in a squeezed form & further, each squeezed part is been explained in […]
[…] to assist you in keeping track of your blog competition. Most of the software focus on elements of Search Engine Optimization (SEO), the term used to define “the process of improving the visibility of a website or a web […]
Hope that all the possible ways are summarized here. Well written and clear article, very helpful to newbie bloggers to learn about SEO techniques. Am a blogger, i knew only about off page SEO factors. I don’t know about on page factors, now learned from here. Thanks Atish for sharing this post.
Stay Tune, Every point will be described one by one.
Good to know about the full SEO in a shorter form. Waiting for these to be described. 2 are already described I think. I am gonna check them out.
You have summarized whole SEO in very short form. It is very helpful to newbie bloggers to learn about SEO techniques and implementing SEO.
[…] Long Tail Keywords – Part 1 Posted by Atish Ranjan on December 22, 2012 When it comes to search engine optimization, everyone dreams of ranking for that one, big, fat, juicy keyword that gets millions of unique […]
You have write very well these steps helps to learn for a newbie bloggers.and seo
[…] comes the 7th part of the series Summarized SEO world and it’s about optimizing the images for better SEO of your websites or […]
Excellent post and very helpful for all seo and blogger because you writing style is very nice and also write step by step it’s very nice
Thanks for sharing
Great post Atish ,
it’s very nice work and you have shared these are points steps by steps it’s very helps to learn for a newbie bloggers and seo ..
SEO is bit difficult for me. As I don’t understand it completely but in this post I got to know about few terms as on page and off page SEO.

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Hi Atish … its a nice roundup.
I’m looking forward to read the off-page seo part.
Please write something about “htaccess” too. Tnx !
yes sure I will be writing one by one! Thank you for your interest Preethi!
You have write very well about summarized whole SEO in very simple language . It is very helpful for all newbie bloggers .
Thanks for sharing
SEO Process starts with proper On-Page Optimization that is must after that we do off-page SEO activities based on Keyword Competitions. Thanks to share your post Atish.

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