Here comes the 7th part of the series Summarized SEO world and it’s about optimizing the images for better SEO of your websites or blogs.
As we all know that content is indeed the first thing which helps a site to rank well for targeted keywords but images are also important to make a site look attractive and beautiful. The problem is Search engine bots don’t understand images like text but there are ways through which we can make an image searchable for certain keywords and to do this we need to optimize the image using keywords. Here again text plays an important role
! Text is always important!
=> First question, Why we do we use images if SEs give preference to text only?
Ans:- Because images are self explanatory and its very rightly said that an image says thousands word. Also images make a website look attractive and more explanatory.
=> Second question, If Search engines don’t understand images then how can we make use of them for SEO?
Ans:- Yes images are not being understood like text but we can make them eradable with some keywords by proper optimization technique.
Lets check out how to optimize images for better SEO:
As we have already discussed above that images are not being read by SEs because they index anything which are in text format? Even the text inside the images is not being read by SEs as they are just part of image but we can help search engines to understand about the images by writing proper image name(file name), image title and alt text.
Now let’s understand the same in Detail:
Image name (file name):- Whenever we download or buy images, you can see the file name like 123.jpg or some random words which are not beneficial for our website’s SEO. Normally the people, who are not aware of SEO stuffs, just upload the image as it is which is big mistake!
We need to change the image name and write something which include our targeted keywords such as If I am writing a post about SEO tips then I would like to use an image that shows SEO related graphics and I would be using an image name like seotips.jpg or seo-tips.jpg, seo.jpg or something of this sort instead of just 43243.jpg or absjahsd.jpg etc.
This will help that image to be searchable by search engines when someone performs the search query as seo tips or seo. There are more chance for this image to be found.
!Always give a name to your image before uploading it on the website or blog!
Alt Text:- When It comes to image optimization for search engines then Alt text is one of the most important thing to discuss.
Alt is an attribute used for images to define them. Actually Alt text stands for alternate text, it shows when images don’t load because of slow internet connection or user blocked graphics on their system. In this situation they can see the alt text given to the images and get an idea what is the image all about. Also it helps search engines to recognize the that image and so that they can show the image when someone search the words which matches with the alt text given to that image
How to write alt text:-
<img src=”Image url” alt=”alt text here”/>
<img src=”” alt=”url-optimization”/>
Image Titles:- Add relevant image titles as they show when a user mouse over on the image. It might be helpful at times.
To read more on Alt text please consider this post:-
What is alt text and why it is important
How to write Title text:-
<img src=”Image url” title=”alt text here”/>
<img src=”” title=”url-optimization” />
These are the basic things to know while doing image optimization for search engines as well as users.
P.S. Optimization doesn’t mean to optimize anything just for SEO but for users experience too. Apart from all these tips, I would like to suggest you to use either royalty free images or purchased images. If there is need to give credit to the image create then don’t hesitate to give the credit.
There is another column I see when uploading images to my post..
that is the description of image.
Does it matter or any kind of use of it if I fill some text in it ?
You may fill it, if you want too but the most ranking factors are image name and alt text. These should not be missed. 🙂 Thanks for coming by.
Hi Atish, Great post about SEO for images but other source explains about image type also plays important rolls in SEO part.

Thangaraju recently posted…HTC Desire Android 4.2.2 jellybean firmware using AOKP VJ JB custom ROM
Thanks Thangaraju for your visit and comment.
Thanks for writing the needful post in clear words Atish!
Now understood the optimization of image which helps to give explanation to search engines.
Will do it perfectly in my future posts, please keep writing the useful SEO stuffs 🙂

Nirmala recently posted…Useful and Popular Google Chrome Extensions for Bloggers
Thanks for stopping by Nirmala. Keep reading on
I enjoyed reading your article on image optimization Atish. The points you make about editing the name of the image and adding the alt text are very important for on page SEO.
This is my first visit to your blog, and I like it. It looks like you have some great articles on you blog Atish,
Thanks Larry for liking my post. I hope you will keep visiting my blog. 🙂
Hi Atish – very informative post especially since I contribute to a cartoon blog in which the image is quite central to each post. Unfortunately the theme we use (Comicpress) builds intelligence into the image name itself so it’s a bit difficult to rename the file to something more appropriate as you quite rightly suggest. Will definitely check to make sure we’re using the alt and title tags though! Thanks

Sizwe recently posted…Easter Bunny tips on Managing Violent Crime – Cartoon!
Thank you Sizwe for your comment. Why don’t you try to change your theme if its hurting your SEO which is important?
Thanks for the reply Atish… I would change the theme but we’re too invested in it at the moment… it’s a comic theme so a lot of the navigation etc for the cartoons are part of the theme itself (including automatic association of the cartoon image and the post which is the biggest issue we face)… to use another theme we would basically need to individually upload 4 years worth of cartoons to their respective posts which is a nightmare!

Sizwe recently posted…Easter Bunny tips on Managing Violent Crime – Cartoon!
Oh thats the problem. In such case I think you should hire a expert PHP developer who can do some tweak and in code which may stop the issue. thanks for coming by again mate.
Great post about image optimization which i have missed of adding title for my image would like to correct them for my promotion.Thanks for sharing such useful post Atish

Shameem recently posted…How To Promote Blog Posts Through Genuine Ways
Thanks Shameem to see you here too. Keep coming. Mainly alt text and image name is important but adding title is a plus point. 🙂
Hi Atish,
Great and informative post about image optimization. I learned lots of what you mentioned to optimize my images but I need to explore and learn more about the Alt. Text feature. I will bookmark the post you recommended to read it and learn more about it.
Thanks Atish for sharing such a great and important topic for bloggers.
Be Blessed,

Neamat Tawadrous recently posted…5 Steps To Develop The Power of Persistence in Business
Thanks Neamat for your comment. I am glad that you liked it. Keep coming.
Oh, I see this is an older post. But its great to come across this- will help me a lot.

I started reading this one because I have been searching for more information on resizing the images I want to use on my blog today.
Suppose, I have saved 10 images which I intend to use for a post. And they are all of different sizes. I want to use same size images in my post. Lets say, 300 X 200 px. How do I go about it? I tried photoshop to resize them but not all images are of the same dimensions, and some of them end up getting distorted. Any way I ca resize them without distorting them?
Ambika Choudhary Mahajan recently posted…10 Most Undesirable, Horrible, Annnoying & Irritating Bad Habits
Thanks for coming by here. As discussed with you on Chat. Just use google search tools and choose the exact size for all the 10 images and get 10 images in same size by using that search tool. No more resizing issue.
Thanks. keep coming.
Its simple and easy guide for image optimization, and now WordPress gives you all facilities to optimize images you can add title, ALT text description without using any code!

Nishant Srivastava recently posted…Google April Fool Day’s Prank 2013 Google Nose Beta
Yes wordpress made it so easy so that the person with no knowledge of HTML can do very easily. Thanks Nishant for stopping by. 🙂
Only Atish can be expected to help others by offering to come on the Team Viewer and actually giving me a step-by-step demo.

That’s what sets him apart from all others!!!
Hats off!!
Ambika Choudhary Mahajan recently posted…10 Most Undesirable, Horrible, Annnoying & Irritating Bad Habits
Thanks! but I am not alone, So many talented bloggers out there who always ready to help!
Anyway, Thanks for appreciation!
Awesome post and very nice information about image optimization . Image Optimization is very important part of SEO because Search engines don’t understand images so use alt text for image optimization . This tag very important for on page SEO.
Great post .It’s amazing to know that one item that is ignored by most is one of the most important factors that helps in search engine rankings.Every little component makes for a complete optimized website and am sure images contribute as much. It’s great to know and will surely implement this on my blog as well.
Adding alt text to the image improves a lot of on-page SEO. Also, if you want to get traffic from image search, it is advised to use relevant keywords just above and below the image.

Thanks for the great information. 🙂
Rajesh Chaukwale recently posted…Extabit Premium link generator: Extabit Premium account
Yes Alt text is an important thing. thanks for stopping by.
Lots of people(Including me) avoid these tips as Image optimization is an Time consuming task.
But thanks for sharing valuable tips.
Great and informative post about image optimization. image optimization very important part of seo because Google not read image Google only read text.
Thanks for sharing
Sir, what should we write in the title and alt text?? Both can be same right? and title how big should we write?

Amit Verma recently posted…All New BMW 4-Series Is Here!
You can put same but try using variants of a keyword. So that you will be having 2 keywords one in image title and one in alt text. For image title or alt text there are no limit I think but keeping it 3-4 words long is fine!
Hi Atish,
Optimizing your images is an essential step in SEO, as you said many people would make the mistake uploading an image with name that doesn’t have any meaning. You should also optimize the size of your image, the smaller size your image have the faster your page will load and this would also effect your site SEO. Thanks for sharing your tips.

Qasim recently posted…Secrets Of A Site That Stands Out
Yes smaller sizes are good. Infact using .gif works better as they take lesser space than jpeg images.
Nice Article Bro.
As we know, SEO keeps on changing day by day and we need to implement different methods and strategies according to the new Google Algorithms Thanks for sharing the method on how to optimize the images which will help us to get some traffic from Google Images.

Shathyan Raja recently posted…SERP Moment footage of Google+ Search Engine Optimization
yes you are right and image optimization works like charm still. I have implemented it and many of my blog post which are down in web search, are top in image search. 🙂
[…] 9. Image Optimization by Stoogles: The blog “Stoogles” is owned by me and I have written a good post on image optimisation (Alt text optimisation) which helps you increase your site’s traffic from image search. […]