Here comes the 6th part of the series “Summarized SEO world” and its about Content Optimization.
Content optimization became one of the most important Strategies in the world of Google’s zoo of black & white Animals.
Yes, the first animal Google Panda which specially attacks to the sites which has low quality and copied content. Because of this update content became more valuable as if you have good content you site will be good in SERPs.
It’s very clear that to get the best results in Google we need unique and engaging content and also to make them rank well in SEs we need to optimize them for search engines.
Lets learn how to optimize content for search Engines:-
There are few things we should do always before writing the content:-
1. Choosing best topics: If you are writing for readers as well as SEs then you should find out the topics which interests your readers and also which are in trend or being searched by a huge number of people.
2. Keyword analysis: After choosing the topic, find out the best searched keywords which you can do with keyword research tools such as Google adword keyword tool.
3. Write a catchy post title:– Post title is always important because people finds your post in SEs through your title so if your title is monotonous then chances of their landing on your post becomes less.
So write a catchy title which includes one of your targeted keyword to make your post more searchable and appealing.
Above things should be done before writing the post but when you sit to write the post you should keep few more things in mind such as:-
- You are writing for your readers.
- You need traffic from search engines.
- Your post should be well written and error free.
- You need to build readership.
Ok So how should you optimize your content for search engines?
Proper placement of keywords:- As I have mentioned above that you need to research keywords before writing your blog post. Now after selecting 2-3 good keywords your work is to use it in your content in a proper and ethical way.
Yes, while placing keywords in the content you should always be careful about not stuffing them because keyword stuffed content never looks good to readers as well as Search Engines. Google might penalize you for doing this. Around 2% keyword density is good enough.
I have shared some tips in my interview with Minuca Elena that you can check out for some updated information on SEO
The best places to use your keywords in the content are:-
First Paragraph the Post:- Always use the main keyword in the very first paragraph of your post.
In headings and sub-headings:- If you use H1, H2 tags in your post as headings and subheadings then it is always good to use the keyword there.
In Image name and alt text: As images are also the part of content you should optimize them too. I will write the post in detail in the next SEO post on Stoogles. But for now let me tell you that you should use keywords while naming the images and writing the alt text for them.
Above are the best places where you can make use of keywords to optimize your content for search engines.
Few points about highlighting your keywords. You can do anyone from the list to your keywords:-
- Make the keywords bold.
- Make the keywords italic.
- Make the keywords underlined.
These are basic things you can do while writing and crafting your content. Apart from these tips always proofread your content to make sure that they are error free.
Bonus Tips:Always make use of proper interlinking your other posts. Select the relevant anchor text while linking your other posts.
If you love the post then please share it with your circle and share your views via comment section.
Greate tips By SEO GURU 🙂
Yeah this are correctly explained I always follow these tips as u sahred in this post Atish. 🙂
Also got something new like Italic and underlining of the keywrods.
Thanks 🙂
~Ravi Verma
Thanks Ravi for stopping by and commenting.
This is what I call the best optimization tutorial for beginners like me! 🙂
Thanks a lot for explaining it so well 🙂
Hi Atish

Very Nice and Informative post to optimize Article for Search Engine, I m Also Doing Same for optimize My Sites’s POsts for Search Engine But Your Article Increase the Level of OPtimizing ..
Sahil garg recently posted…Saadi Gali Aaja Song Lyrics and Full Video – Nautanki Saala
thanks Sahil!
Really nice tips for doing on page SEO for the blog posts. Putting keywords in bold is what I ignore most of the times

abhishek recently posted…5 Best Websites To Convert Text to Speech Online
Actually Abhishek, It happens. Most of the time we know how to do but we don’t do it. Its our laziness! Thanks for reading and commenting here mate.! 🙂 Keep coming.
Great post in simple words from you Atish.
What you have written is very clear and it is very useful for the newbies!
Yeah, as abishek told, am not making the keywords in bold or italic. But will start doing it.
Thanks for writing this needful post and bonus tips, keep doing 😛

Nirmala recently posted…Top three popular ways of online money making
Thanks for coming bye Nirmala.
Thanks for the article. It is really important that the content is written for humans. With the new technologies that Google has implemented their search engines can read very much as people do.
With respect to keywords, one has to also use a latent semantic keywords (synonyms, related words, etc) in addition to keywords as Google also follows Latent Semantic Index (LSI).
With so much technologies surrounding our writing I take the easy way. I really write for humans. When I am done I put myself in the shoes of my readers and read the article bearing them in mind.

Blogging by Dita recently posted…How To Make Money Blogging – 60 Minutes To Success
Thank you Dita for you valuable comment. Yes we should Use LSI words but as I am writing this post for beginners I haven’t mentioned here. I will be writing advanced articles on SEO once I finish writing for beginners. Thanks Dita. Keep coming.
Hi Atish,
I am impressed with your points which you have shared with us. This is the great idea to optimize opf you content. In my opiniion we need to do Bold and Underline it. but sure i will try to your ideas. Well thanks dear…
Optimal keyword density, using LSI keywords, optimized backlinks and great content really works wonders in blogging! You have got great points in the article. Thanks for the information. 🙂

Rajesh Chaukwale recently posted…How to get on Blocked Websites at School | Bypass School Blocks
Hello Ranjan,
Could you please check my blog (
I have been launch last year,
I tried so hard about SEO but nothing take effect.
Please tell me why google are so calm.

Nash recently posted…A Review (and comparison) of My Friend’s Samsung UN55F8000 Smart LED HDTV
Okay sure. Connect me on FB . will check the site! thanks. 🙂
Nice post Atish. I believe to proper use of headings, and avoiding keyword stuffing in a post can obviously get it ranked higher on the SERPs. What do you say?

PrIyAnGsHu @ Technology Blog recently posted…How to Remove Voice from a Song?
yea obviously we should keyword stuffing. thanks for stopping by.
Nice tips Atish, I love using Yoast plug-in for WordPress SEO writing. I really helps to keep me focused on the keywords. Many people forget to add the alt image tag too. Great point. I’ve done it but Yoast reminds me 🙂 I have other sites without plug-ins and I must do them manually.

Lisa recently posted…Link Shy After The Latest Google Panda Workings
yes thats good. thanks Lisa for stopping here and took time to write comment.
Very nice post about Content optimization. Content optimization is very important part of SEO. Because content is king . and you have shared these are tips it’s very nice and helpful for all seo and bloggers.
Thanks for sharing
Thanks for explaining the content optimization. and it’s very important .The process of making your website’s home page or a particular page on your website more attractive to search engines and users is called optimization
Sir, I use All in one SEO pack plugin and I use it perfectly but still my site doesn’t come on 1st page of search. What’s the reason?

Amit Verma recently posted…Cars Owned By M S Dhoni(Mahi)
All in One SEO is just for adding Meta Title, Description and meta keywords. It doesn’t guarantee you the first page rank. You need to use your keyword in a better way in the articles. and then build backlink for that articles using that targeted keyword as anchor text. Then you can get good rankings.
But my friend, who has made his website a month back does nothing and still gets his website on 1st page of search. What can you say about that?

Amit Verma recently posted…Bikes Owned By M S Dhoni
Without checking out your site and your friend’s website I cannot tell anything. let me know your site and your friend’s site via email then Ican check.
Thanks dude for sharing such an informative tip.but can you just suggest me any post which help me in finding the keyword of any post.

Mahesh Charjan recently posted…Combine Cloud Storage Services Into One
its a very Good post but mostly i prefer Keywords , if you put good keywords then your post will rank fast. Thanks for sharing this article..