According to technical term affiliate marketing is a marketing practice in which a business rewards one or more affiliates for each visitor or customer brought about by the affiliate’s own marketing efforts. Now in simple language it is defined as the profit earned when you advertise or sell products of other party and in return he gives you some percent of that money. It can be online mode or offline mode but now day’s people earn more with online affiliate marketing as it has a wide scope and provide you with greater number of opportunities from all over the world.
What to do
- If you have a customer and you have to advertise their product or their survey you have to provide them with a unique code in the URL so that one can be more clear about whose product is this and what type of profit it will provide you and in this way you will earn your money and customer can sell their more products easily.
- The reward can be fixed money or some percentage of the product and it is decided by the customer and the person providing the advertisement.
Every business is successful if it has a right choice of products and a large number of audiences to entertain it in all fields. So a person who is looking for affiliate market should have right kind of products with audience to entertain it.
How to start and factors affecting the affiliate marketing
- Choosing the right product: If you are starting your marketing then you should know the quality and reliability of the product as people want a good quality product. This is the first step which can let you up or let you down that depends upon the products you have selected so be careful. You can search products by searching on Google or you can try some of affiliate’s networks so that you can know which type of products they use and online stores which are the hub of products can lead to a good height if you are able to make good balance and relation with their product and with them.
- Audience and Network: You have displayed you quality products now you have to attract the audience to buy the products and click on the ads you have shown on your site. You should have large network and readers who have the mind set for buying a product. You can use your social media to reach to the people and use your blog to advertise your products and you can write articles on the products that can enable you to find your products on Google so that people can check it and go for it. You can upload video of some products which is very eye catching and you have to save the emails in a right place as they can be your source of earning money.
- High Traffic: If a product is having a high traffic then its good for you and you should work on that to display it on a bigger scale and a good traffic is the symbol of a good profit earned by you.
- Good relationship: If you are able to maintain a good relationship and trust then the person will come to you first for any products then he will go to any other site so try to work on relations with the customers so that a large number of people can try your products and you can earn a large commission.
- Building an e-mail list: A list of e-mails is another important factor of Affiliate Marketing. One can send newsletters to those e-mail ID’s. Make these mails you send catchy and interesting in order to convince the viewer to visit it.
So these are the steps which will help you to start your affiliate marketing and one should know that it will take time to mark your presence and you have to wait for a larger traffic. Sometimes people think that you will start earning as you started advertising it so please don’t get confuse you have to give some time to let it work. Hope you will like it and share with your friends so if they are willing to start their marketing they can use it.
Hi Atish,
Very interesting – I’m planning to do some affiliate marketing at some point. I gather it’s not nearly as easy as it used to be to make money this way, though.
I think the challenge is to find the right kind of products that your readers are definitely going to be interested in – then you’ve obviously got to persuade them to buy. My plan is only to market products that I’ve actually tried myself, to be sure they’re of good value and relevant for my readers.
Thank you very much for these tips,

Sue Neal recently posted…Writing Tips: Is this habit stifling your creativity?
Even I haven’t done much in affiliate marketing but I have started doing it because its very nice way of earn money online.
Yup! Good solid factual article about affiliate marketing Atish! You’ve kept it really simple and easy to understand! Cheers! ~Robin~

Robin J Emdon recently posted…Why This Residual Income Formula Is Beating The Recession
Hi Atish,
Great Post and I think the five factors you mentioned are valid for all types of marketing, not only affiliate marketing.
Finding a good product is key and it is important to know your product well so you can find the target market for it and when you find the right target market, you need to decide on which marketing strategy that will drive high traffic to your product and when you see the traffic and make some customers, you need to build that know, trust and like factor by building the relationship and lastly is the email list of your customers or those to be customers. It is very important to keep in touch with your email list for more future sales.
Of course this process needs time to work. Nothing comes overnight. Patience is key here.
Thanks for such a great post Atish.
Be Blessed,

Neamat Tawadrous recently posted…7 Strategies For Marketing On A Tight Budget!
Product and traffic these 2 things are most important to consider. You should select products based on your audience type then you can make huge success in affiliate marketing. Thanks for stopping by Neamat.
Excellent post and great information about Affiliate marketing. This is a really interesting I’m just looking into .Affiliate Marketing is one of the best ways to make more sell our brands and products..
Simple post which is clearly explaining the concepts of Affiliate marketing. Am currently in Adsense program, but now thinking about Affiliate marketing after reading this post n the posts by Amit in Hope these would help me to get into the affiliate marketing in the near future. Thanks for sharing the nice post Atish! please keep writing.

Nirmala recently posted…Earn money online free through real ways
Affiliate marketing is the good technique for generating traffic. We can also earn a good amount from it.
Great post and nice information about affiliate marketing .Affiliate marketing is good no doubt bat it’s paid service
I’ve done some affiliate marketing here and there and it’s a nice source of another income. It really depends on the products and audience too. You just reminded me I should blog more for one of mine though. Thanks for the tips here.

Lisa recently posted…Will The Facebook Graph Search Change Social and Search?
Thanks for stopping by Lisa. I have just started affiliate marketing. Lets see how it goes for me. 🙂
I really like the idea of Affiliate marketing. I need to start working on that, will be taking your guidance for sure.
Thanks For sharing this great info.

sapna recently posted…A Naive Bloggers Day Without Electricity
Thanks Sapna for your comment. Sure I am always there to help as much I can.
Affiliate marketing is the best way to earn for publishers. But it needs huge quality traffic.
Picking the right product plays vital role in Affiliate Marketing. After then with High quality visitors it is possible to get healthy email list that helps to throw a paid product review directly to the target visitors via email. All then one need to build trust by giving some worthy free tips like “Free 7 Week course on NICHE TOPIC”..
Thanks for the Share Stoogles 🙂
Very handy information about affiliate marketing Ranjan! there is no such campaign better than affiliate marketing to earn online. But here it required huge quality traffic to make such a big difference.

Hossain recently posted…How to make your readers happy.
Well yes no doubt affiliate marketing is very much important today and if you have a good traffic than it will also help you to make a descent amount of money.Nice post about affiliate marketing.
Great and very informative about Affiliate marketing… today affiliate marketing play big role on online marketing
Thanks for sharing
Very nice , informative and great information about Affiliate marketing.Affiliate marketing is the good technique for generating traffic.
Thanks for sharing
Hi Atish,
I am very Thankful to you for this post. Actually I knew about Affiliate marketing but i have not ever tried yet. Always i Was thought that how to start it. actually i wanna make money online because Affiliate marketing is best method to make money online. now I got it and i can start the affiliate marketing . Again thanks For this post.
Excellent and very nice t post and you have shard a information nice information about affiliate marketing .Affiliate marketing is good no doubt bat it’s paid service…
Hello Atish,
Affiliate marketing is a good source of earn money online but you should depth knowledge about the products and their audience so that you can success in affiliate marketing.
Thanks atish for sharing such article.