Hello Again, Hope you guys enjoyed the post “SEO site analysis” which is very first part of the series “Summarized SEO world” Now I came up with the 2nd post of this Series i.e. Competitors Analysis.
So after doing the full SEO site analysis we need to look out to the competitor’s site too because this gives us idea of promoting our site at relevant places. Promoting your site everywhere is a good thing but if you know where your competitors are promoting then it becomes easy to reach out to more targeted people.
So how to start analyzing your competitors?
Lets Study In detail:-
1. Find out your competitors
The very first job is to find out who are your competitors. Finding them out is not too tough job.
Try searching your major keywords in the search engines and see which sites are coming on the top pages, Make a list of them. Now also see which all sites are doing the same thing like you. I mean if you are selling electronic products then check out the sites which are selling the same.
By analyzing these things you can make a list of websites as your competitors. Now you can go through these sites and decide the main competitors of yours.
2. Check On site SEO status of your competitors
You are having your competitor’s list. Now go to all the sites one by one and check out these things there:-
- If the site is having good content on all the pages with good Keyword density?
- If the site has title and Meta tags present on all the pages?
- Check what all keywords are they promoting?
- Check If they are having images with alt text?
- Check whether they have human readable url structure?
- Their sales page.
These are the basic On site things you need to check out. If they don’t have these details, then leave it because it’s clear that they are not doing any SEO so no need to analyse more but if they are having these all present on the site in a much better way then you need to check those site out deeply because it can help you to improve your site’s SEO.

So you can have better competitors list now as you have removed the list of competitors which are not doing any SEO. Because if a site is not doing SEO then there is no need to analyse for the same.
Now the competitors’ site which are doing SEO needs to be checked out each deeply. Try to find out what are the things they are doing but you are not doing.
3. Check Link profile of your competitors’ site and places where they are promoting?
Backlinks are the most important factor for any website’s SEO because it ensures the site’s ranking in Search engines. It’s better to analyse the link profile of your competitor’s site because this gives you an idea where they are promoting whether in forums, on Social media sites, article sites etc or any specific websites.
After this analysis, try to find out where you are lacking. I mean find those things which your competitors are doing but you are not.
You can reverse engineer their strategy to reach out to more targeted audience in less effort.
Look, if you have to reach out to targeted audience to get more sales lead then you have to identify where your targeted audience are? But this will take lots of effort and time.
But If you are smart enough then you can just identify the places where your competitors are promoting and getting good response, Then You can make use of their research and start promoting on the same places with better offers.
What will happen then?
If you offer something better to the same audience then they will get attracted to your brand/products which might result in generating few sales leads and gradually you can build trust among those audiences.
I am not saying that it’s very easy. I know its tough to write and difficult to perform but I suggest doing a through competitors analysis because it’s better to be at the right place where your targeted audience are than searching them here and there.
For example, If you get to know that one of your competitor is getting good number of sales from Social Media sites then why you will keep trying elsewhere, just Start promoting on social media. Specially find out what all activities they are doing there and keep an eye over them closely. Now start something like that on social media or any place where they are already promoting.[Social media is just an example here. It might be any particular site such as FB, twitter, Forums, marketplaces etc]
4. Check Rankings of your competitor on certain keywords
Keep tracks of checking the keyword ranking for all your competitors as compared to your site. I mean keep checking the rankings of site with the main keywords. This way you can check which sites are on the top with the main keywords and can make strategy to beat them.
Competitor analysis is neither an easy task nor small duration task, you have to keep analysing your competitor time by time and try things which can bring you on better positions.
Understanding the competitors’ strategy is one of the main part of a business. You have to be smarter than your competitors to stand out. Make use of your own research as well as their research to perform better.
I Hope you have enjoyed the post. If you like this post then use the sharing buttons and help me to reach out to more readers. J
Hi Atish, can you also recommend some tools to help us analyze our own site as well our competitors?
Yes sure, https://www.semrush.com it helps you to find out which sites are ranking in Search engines at what positions, It also shows the total searhes on that keyword, Trend etc.. Also to check backlinks you may check alexa, opensiteexplorer, backlink watch etc. To check your own site’s backlink you may use Google webmaster tools.
Thanks Atish, I will check it out to test my blog sites.
Sure Buddy!
Thanks Atish for the info. Every website owner and seo both need analytics info.
Hey Atish – This is awesome stuff as usual from you. Thanks for sharing this and also the semrush tool you shared in the comment above seems like a useful one.
I would really give it a try and see if it can help me understand my fellow bloggers keyword usage and how they rank as compared to mine.
Thanks for your comment Praveen.
Thanks for recommend tools to help us analyze our own site as well our competitors. This tool is very helpful for the SEO purposes.
Amazing points! you have shared and get the knowledge about the our competitor and decide the strategy how to beat there. It is very helpful to leading the market.
Great way to analysis competition for certain keywords on the search engines. There’s a lot of crowd out there, these days, so ranking higher for keywords is not easy. This guide will surely help us cope up from this problem and eliminate the competition in the right way. Thanks a ton for sharing this detailed post Atish, I really appreciate your efforts.
Thanks for your comment Priyangshu. I will keep updating more SEO related post. Stay tuned.
Very nice post about analysis every seo and website owner first of all check the business competition for how to grow my business ..because his/.her invest money
Excellent nice and very informative post about analysis business competitors that is first thing to start a new business this post also informative for beginners SEO
Every website and blogger owner and seo both need analytics info for start a new business
Thanks for sharing
bla..bla..bla. just majesticseo and your good to go.
website and blogger owner and seo both need analytics info for start a new business because you not placed analyics code our site or blog you can not find searches and sells
Hi! I use KISSinsights for a long time already. It offers a different approach to analytics, looking to users for feedback. The tool implements a question form that inconspicuously slides up from the bottom of the page, and the appeal is that ‘it’s so quick to respond that many of your customers will!’. In general I toyed with all of the tools that you posted and can say that you picked the best from the best. Thanks for the post! I’m new to your blog and thing will stay here longer! You do a great job!

Evan recently posted…Agriculture WordPress Themes 2013
Thanks Evan for your valuable addition! 🙂
Thank you for share good information you have given good tips for competitive analysis of our competitor. I got good Ideas …
Superb post dude, In the above post you mentioned to list out competitors ranking keyword But you didn’t mention the method to track down their keyword. Tell me how can I know for what keyword he or she ranking in SE.

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Hello Atish
Nice review on SEO Competitor Analysis all the information given by you is help full . Thanks for sharing your views with us.